L’Apothéose brings their interpretations to a new level of depth, exploring every single musical work to the smallest detail, in order to bring to light the rhetorical and emotional content of the music. Offering to the public authentic performances and researching the still unknown beautiful musical patrimony of the baroque Era are endeavors that you can join as an individual or corporate donor. Help us create a better soundtrack for this world!
Committed to Quality
Dividing the tasks of our projects and hiring professional specialists for each part is the only way to achieve the best quality for our music. We invest a substantial part of our revenues in musicologists, researchers, media managers, video and sound technicians, photographers, fashion designers, etc. so that our music, both live and recorded, gets to the audience with the absolute best quality. Thus, being surrounded by the best professionals is a priority for us. Although only the four musicians might appear in the pictures, we are a bigger team and we need resources in order to continue doing what we love most: interacting with and creating unique and powerful experiences for our public.
Become a Donor!
With your donations you’ll be part of our projects (including new CD recordings, new media content, pedagogical and charity concerts, and more) and you’ll get exclusive perks and gifts, in addition to our highest gratitude.
But I don’t have much to contribute with…
At L’Apothéose we value the people for their talent. Money is not the only option to support us. If you still want to be part of this project, you can do it in many other imaginative ways. Just write us to or to and propose us something to keep growing!